Basic Dog Obedience
Course for beginning dogs, six months or older. Teaches the foundation commands for a well-behaved companion. Require proof of current rabies & distemper/ parvo vaccines at first class.
Instructor: Christina Arndt.
Wednesdays, 5 weeks, April 11 - May 9, 7:15-8:15 pm.
Fee: $35
-FHS = Fergus High School
-LJHS = Lewistown Junior High School
-CMEC= Cent MT Ed Center, 773 Airport Road
Registration begins Monday, March 26, 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. and continues throughout the spring quarter. Registration will remain open until each class is filled. Participants may phone in to register for classes and fees may be mailed in, if necessary. No registration will be accepted prior to 12:00 noon, March 26. These classes are for adults, 16 years of age and older; please inquire as some exceptions may apply.
Tuition is due at registration. Make checks payable to CMEC (Central Montana Education Center). Fees may be mailed to Central Montana Education Center, PO Box 1144, Lewistown, MT 59457. In some cases there are additional fees for supplies.
Anyone wishing to withdraw from a course must notify the Central Montana Education Center, 535-9022, (not your instructor) no later than 24 hours prior to the first class meeting. Leave a message on the answering machine after office hours. Refund of fees are as follows:
-100% of fee 24 hours prior to first class meeting
-50% of fee if canceled the day class begins or prior to second class meeting
-No refund of fee after second class meeting
ANY COURSES THAT ARE CANCELED BY THIS OFFICE WILL BE REFUNDED IN FULL. Minimum enrollment is required for a course to be held, and the Central Montana Education Center may find it necessary to cancel a course. Those registered will be notified.