Fergus Sheriff and Commissioner Debate
Fall is here and that means election season is in kicking into high gear. There will be a great opportunity to hear from local candidates on Thursday, Oct. 13 at the Yogo Inn.
The Yogo Inn and the Lewistown News-Argus are hosting a pair of debates featuring the candidates for sheriff and county commissioner, and inviting all other local candidates to introduce themselves to voters. The event is free to the public and everyone is invited to attend.
Tracy Lewellen and Ryan Peterson are competing for the County Sheriff position, while Rick Vaughn and Jennifer Saunders are running for the county commissioner seat now held by Sandy Youngbauer.
The first debate will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the second will get underway around 7:30 p.m. Questions will be asked by News-Argus Publisher Jacques Rutten and Editor Katherine Sears.
Between the two sessions, any other local candidates (including those running unopposed) who would like to introduce themselves to the audience will each be given a few minutes to speak.
The News-Argus is accepting questions for the candidates (see sidebar). Look for more details about the debates in upcoming editions of the newspaper.
Send your questions for the candidates
The News-Argus is looking for questions for the candidates for the debates on Oct. 13. If you have a question(s) you would like us to ask the candidates for either the sheriff or commissioner race, email your question to publisher@lewistownnews.com or call 406.535.3401. You can include your name but it is not required.