Lewistown Birding Bunch Field Trip
The Lewistown Birding Bunch welcomes birders of all skill levels to take part in its field trips, which the requisites are an eager leader, eager followers, a date, and destination, and, ideally, lots of birds. Grab your bird book, strap on your binoculars, and come along.
RSVP with trip leader at least one day before outings to verify the time. Some events require earlier notice. All trips meet at Centennial Plaza unless otherwise specified. Respect mask requirements of driver or drive yourself to events.
Thursday, April 21 at 5:30 p.m. - Carter Ponds. Meet at the Sunset Memorial Gardens. RSVP Carla at 538-2252 (call), 366-1903 (txt/call).
Saturday, May 7 at 7:30 a.m. - Benton Lake. This is an all-day trip. Bring lunch and drinks. RSVP Dick Dennison, 538-2252 or 366-1410.
Saturday, May 14 at 7:30 a.m. - Fish Hatchery Walk/Upper Spring Creek. This is Migratory Bird Day. A wonderful stroll around the bubbling springs with a resident expert. Many species possible. RSVP Paula Drissell, 350-1553. Meet at the Hatchery Picnic Area.
Thursday, May 19 at 5 p.m. - Archery Loop/Piper Cutoff Drive. Bring a sack dinner and drink if you like. It is a wonderful evening drive. RSVP Dick Dennison, 538-2252 or 366-1410.
Wednesday, May 25 at 7 a.m. - Gap Road/NIHIL Road/ Wheatland Co. This new trip is a drive south of Judith Gap to view prairie birds such as longspurs and maybe even a Mountain Plover. Bring lunch, water and snacks. Depending on time and group inclination, we may drive back via Red Hill Road. RSVP Cathy Moser, 538- 4813.
Wednesday, June 1 at 7:30 a.m. - Lower Spring Creek Walk and Drive. Stroll for one or two miles along Lower Big Spring Creek and continue birding by vehicle. Snipe, warblers and waterfowl are often sighted. RSVP Anne Tews, phone/TXT: 366-0660.
June 3 – 5. Wings across Big Sky. At the Yogo Inn, Lewistown. The Montana Audubon is sponsoring. Look at their site for more information and to sign up. https://mtaudubon.org/outreach/montana-birdfestival
Saturday, June 18 at 7 a.m. - PN Bridge. This is an all-day trip. Bring lunch and water. RSVP Susan Lohmuller, 366-3821.
Friday, July 15 at 5:30 p.m. - LBB Annual Picnic. Meet at Centennial Plaza, Cathy’s at 6 p.m. LBB provides main course. Members bring potluck sides and BYO beverages. RSVP Cathy by July 13, 538-4813.
Saturday, Sept. 17; and Sept. 24 (if needed) at 9 a.m. - Bluebird box cleaning and repair. The week before the trip, Cathy will email a list of items to bring to clean and repair boxes. RSVP Cathy Moser by Thursday. 538-4813.
Oct. 7 - 9 - Fall Raptor Watch. Listed on the Bridger raptor-fest Facebook page. Susan Lohmuller will look into this Bozeman event.
Saturday, Oct. 28, at 8 a.m. - Ackley Lake. Bring spotting scopes if you have them. May re-schedule based on weather. RSVP Anne Tews, phone/TXT: 366-0660.
Dec. 31, backup Jan. 1, 2023 - Christmas Bird Count. All day or half day. Time and location to be announced. Potluck at noon. RSVP Anne Tews, phone/TXT: 366-0660.