MTWS Annual Miniature Show
Saturday, May 4th marks the opening of the annual exhibition of the Montana Watercolor Society at the Lewistown Art Center, as well as a workshop and annual meeting. This year, the “Miniature Show” is back, and we have received more than 150 paintings from artists across the state, all under six inches! This exhibition will be juried by professional artist, Jim Howard, who will teach a professional watercolor workshop on May 4th and 5th. For those interested in the workshop, visit the Montana Watercolor Society’s website at We hope you’ll join us for the opening reception of the Miniature Show on Saturday, May 4th, from 5-7 PM. Juror Jim Howard will present ribbons and talk about the exhibition are 6 PM, and, as always, there will be refreshments! Shown are images from last year's show.