Permaculture Gardening
The Green Share Project Garden in partnership with Central Montana Resource Council will present the fourth annual Fergus Fresh educational event in Lewistown this March. This year, Bozeman-based garden designer and permaculture educator, Kareen Erbe, will present a full-day seminar on permaculture gardening in cold climates. She will teach attendees how to harness the power of naturally occurring ecosystems, native plants, soil building, and water conservation to produce more food with less effort.
This free Lewistown event will take place at the Council on Aging at 307 W. Watson on March 15. There will be a morning session from 9 am to 12 pm and an afternoon session from 1 to 4 pm. Refreshments will be provided, but attendees are asked to provide their own lunch. The event is open to the public and no R.S.V.P is needed.