
12th Annual 'Inspire Pregnancy Care Outreach Center' Benefit!

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Lewistown has scheduled its 12th annual benefit for the Inspire Pregnancy Care Outreach Center on Friday, November 8th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. We will serve a lasagna supper with a free-will offering followed by a silent auction for pies, baked goods, homemade crafts, and plants. In addition, people can help by donating the following items: diapers (preemies to size 5), preemie clothes, baby wipes, bottles and winter boots (size newborn to age two). Don't feel like you have to, but if you'd like you can help support this important pro-life organization by making pies and/or baked items for the Silent Auction. If your item needs refrigeration, please bring the item in a cooler to keep cold. Also attend the benefit dinner and invite your friends to attend as well! Children welcome!!

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