Central Montana Family Planning/ Montana Cancer Screening Program
We are an affordable and confidential Title X Family Planning Clinic located in Lewistown since 1974 that serves the six geographical counties of Central Montana.
We offer reproductive health services on a sliding fee scale based on gross family income and family size to men, women and teens. We provide sliding fees for HIV screening and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) treatments and confidential partner notification and treatment. We also provide pregnancy testing and reproductive life planning and referrals, vaginal infection screening and treatments, and urinary tract infection screening and treatment. We also have contraceptives that are available on site including: Oral contraceptives, Depo Provera, Nuva Ring, Condoms, Nexplanon (subdermal implant in arm) Mirena, Paragard and Liletta and Kyleena (intrauterine devices). We provide public speaking and puberty education.
We provide sexual health assessments, and comprehensive health histories and physical assessments, which include clinical breast exams, and pelvic examinations. All of our Title X services are offered on a sliding fee scale. We also provide Non-Title X services for women over reproductive age with physical assessments and menopausal services. We provide diapers, wipes and prenatal vitamins as well as "sharps" containers for proper disposal of needles, syringes and lancets. We distribute empty containers and dispose of full ones for a nominal fee.
We bill insurance and Medicaid and have other financial resources and applications for financial assistance for contraceptives and sterilization and cancer screening.
Our clinic is also one of 10 federally funded Cancer Screening Programs in Montana. This program also serves the entire state of Montana and our site serves the same six geographical counties of Fergus, Judith Basin, Petroleum, Musselshell, Golden Valley and Wheatland counties. We provide women aged 30-64 with pap smear testing at our own site or schedule appointments with any enrolled provider in Montana and assist with the payment of that visit as well as breast cancer screening for women aged 40-64 for clinical breast examinations and mammograms with the same offer to be seen at our program or assistance is made for appointments elsewhere. Patient Navigation is provided to ensure screening and diagnosis services are provided in a timely manner.
These screening services are by application and financial eligibility to women who qualify by income and family size who are insured, under insured (high deductible) or those not insured can qualify. Our screening program helps with all aspects of getting the diagnosis of cancer or not. If breast or cervical cancer is diagnosed with our program then we have another resource that we help women apply for and that covers the treatment costs of breast or cervical cancer until treatment is completed.
We also do many fundraisers and outreach events to raise funds to financially assist those who have other unforeseen costs and to those that don't qualify by income. We offer a variety of services and are located in a great building with lots of parking and privacy.
Call the clinic and ask to speak to the Director (Sue Irvin) at 406-535-8811 or 1-877-421-8646. Or attend an Advisory Board Meeting as a guest and or join as a member. These are held the first Monday of each month from 12:30-1:30 at the Central MT Health District's conference room just down the hall from our office in the Centennial Plaza (300 1st Ave No, Lewistown) .
We love volunteers. There is always something to do and we would be glad to have a volunteer who wanted to do a weekly project for us. We try to get condoms to the bars on a weekly basis.
The Board meets once monthly, first Monday of the month 12:30-1:30 and plans outreach events. If there is a fundraiser planned then meeting time can be more often.
In March we do a Leprechaun Bingo, in April we are busy planning for "May Pink Ribbon Month," in May we distribute materials to six counties, in September we attend the Metis Celebration and Chokecherry Festival, and in October we host a "Pink Tea" for 100+ women.