TORCH "Together Our Recovery Center Heals"
T.O.R.C.H. envisions a community where recovery is understood, promoted, and embraced; where all who seek recovery have access to support, care and resources to achieve long term sobriety.
T.O.R.C.H. is a local 501(c)3 non-profit organization composed of volunteers working within our community to promote recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction through advocacy, education and service.
T.O.R.C.H “puts a face on recovery” by providing support services that connect people to resources thus inspiring hope and healing.
T.O.R.C.H. works to end the discrimination that surrounds recovery and ensures that those in recovery are treated with dignity and respect.
T.O.R.C.H. seeks to remove barriers and stigma associated with addiction by providing educational and preventative services to our community.
Peer Recovery Support Services
Services that are designed and delivered by people who have experienced both substance use and recovery. The goal of peer support services is to provide hope to those in recovery and help them stay in recovery reducing the likelihood of relapse. Peer support providers receive training trough a nationally recognized recovery-based organization at no cost.
Services include: preparation for employment, job search assistance, stress management, relaxation, mending relationships, community education, rebuilding self-esteem and balancing the emotional ups and downs of life in recovery.
Community Volunteer Services
Volunteer services provided by community members including spiritual support, financial awareness, dressing for success (haircuts, clothing for interviews), anger management, self-help groups.
Referral Services
Referral to services not provided directly by T.O.R.C.H. including medical, dental, housing, daycare, employment, mental health services, addiction treatment.
T.O.R.C.H. is located at 517 Janeaux in Lewistown, Montana. Phone: 406-538-6724 or 406-53TORCH.
T.O.R.C.H. volunteers can be reached by calling 538-6724 or 53TORCH. One of our volunteers will be available to help any time you reach out.
T.O.R.C.H. encourages anyone with the desire to help in our community recovery effort to call 406-538-6724 or 53TORCH.