Here's how you can help out & feel normal again!
Support Local Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars
This pandemic is incredibly hard on our local food establishments. And while you can no longer dine in, many businesses, including those below, are offering takeout, delivery, or drive-through options. Buying from them helps keep them going during the shutdown and keeps you from having to cook three meals a day. Contact these businesses directly for more information, as menus, times, and locations may be limited.
In addition to ordering food, there are several more ways you can support our local restaurants during this time:
- Buy gift cards to put cash into the business now
- Tip better than normal
- Write a positive review or send a note to show your support (this is also a great idea for those working in hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies, and other essential functions)
- Ask them what you can do to help
- Consider donating to the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund.
Support Local Retailers
Small businesses are the backbone of our community, and they are struggling tremendously during this epidemic. But just because we’re physically distancing doesn’t mean our only shopping option is Amazon. Several local retailers, including the below, are offering free shipping or delivery, or have online stores, therefore allowing you to shop without putting yourself or others at risk. Contact them for more information. In addition, consider buying gift cards to help get cash in the business right now.
Support Local Nonprofits
Reach out to any of the nonprofits in Central Montana to see if they're in need of a helping hand.
The most vulnerable members of our community need access to food now more than ever. Give food or money to the Central Montana Community Cupboard.
Support Central Montana Medical Needs
Prevent the Spread
The most important thing we can do to combat COVID-19 is to slow the spread, preventing our healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel ill – you still have the ability to impact countless others in your community. Stay home, wash your hands, and practice physical distancing. Follow the advice of the CDC and the State. If you think you are sick, call your doctor or visit CMMC’s drive-through screening.
Donate Money to Hospitals
You can donate to CMMC here. For the larger community, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Direct Relief both have funds specific to COVID-19.
Help our Healthcare System Access PPE
Our healthcare system is facing a shortage of face masks. If you have any new N95 masks at your home or business, place them in a plastic bag and drop them off at Frontline Ag Solutions (80335 US-87, Lewistown). If you can sew, help make fabric masks.
Donate Blood
The American Red Cross is experiencing a severe shortage of blood during this critical time. Lewistown has a drive scheduled for April 6-8. Sign up to give here.
Other Ways to Help
A Letter from the Hidden MT Team
In Central Montana, as in the rest of the world, we are in the midst of a unique, rapidly changing, and stressful time in history. Practicing physical distancing is essential in order to keep the most vulnerable members of our community safe, but it can be very challenging socially and financially.
Our mission at Hidden Montana is to bring people together to connect with one other and enjoy all that our home has to offer.
While we may not be able to gather physically at this time, we can still come together to support one another and our community.
That's why we've gathered a list of resources to help you not only make it through but hopefully THRIVE during this period of physical distancing. We'll give you ideas for how to financially support local businesses, give to those in need, navigate mental health challenges, and keep your kids learning.
Following recommendations from the government, we urge you to avoid any gathering of 10+ people. Stay home and spend time with family, or find creative ways to connect with others virtually. Once the crisis blows over, we'll have plenty of time to connect in person. Stay healthy, look out for those you love, and remember what's most important in life.
-Love from the Hidden Montana team.
Note: While we will do our best to maintain the accuracy of this information during the rapidly evolving situation, we apologize if information becomes inaccurate. Please let us know if you discover an error.